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Raail Basecoat


SKU: raailbase Categories: ,

Introducing Raail Basecoat, the premier spray-on wrap solution for vehicle enthusiasts and professional applicators alike. This innovative base layer is specifically formulated to enhance the durability and aesthetics of your vehicle’s appearance. Ideal for creating a receptive foundation, Raail Basecoat ensures superior adhesion for Raail’s Sphere clear coat, or Airwrap . Embrace the ease of application and the promise of a finish that stands out.


1. Surface Preparation: Begin with a meticulous cleaning of your vehicle’s surface. Remove all contaminants to ensure Raail Basecoat adheres flawlessly. A clean, dry, and dust-free surface is crucial for optimal results.
2. Product Mixing: Vigorously stir the Raail Basecoat container for two minutes before use. This ensures a uniform mixture for an even application.
3. Ideal Application Conditions: Apply Raail Basecoat in a well-ventilated area. Aim for a temperature range between 65°F and 80°F with humidity below 60% for the best results.
4. Basecoat Application: Use a spray gun positioned 6-8 inches from the vehicle’s surface. Move in a consistent, even motion to apply 2-3 light coats, allowing a drying time of 10-15 minutes between each layer. Follow up with medium – wet coats until desired thickness.
5. Drying and Curing: After the final coat, let the basecoat dry for at least one hour before proceeding to apply Raail Sphere clear coat with Activator.
6. Equipment Cleanup: Clean your spray gun and tools with xylene or a low VOC xylene substitute immediately after application. Proper cleanup ensures longevity and performance of your equipment.

Keywords: Raail Basecoat, spray-on wrap, vehicle wrap base layer, Raail Sphere clear coat, superior adhesion, durable vehicle finish, vehicle aesthetics, professional applicators, surface preparation, product mixing, application conditions, basecoat application, drying and curing, equipment cleanup, xylene, low VOC xylene replacement.

Weight 18 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 9 × 9 in

2.5 Gallon Cube, Gallon

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